Introducing the artech series
The conception and speed of technology has defined this era as the most significant in the history of human beings. As a tech-lover, designer, and contemporary artist, I am inspired by this period and have created a series of artworks that reflect our present time. It is called 'The Artech Series'.
We interact with digital icons on a daily basis. They are language-independent; they do not rely on letters or words to convey their meaning. They are known in helping users navigate their devices worldwide, becoming significant symbols in themselves within this era.
I utilized computing icons in a way that the every-day user does not usually see them. They unite us all, regardless of our differences, with one simple mission: user-experience. I believe that this new technological era can push us to reach the next level of our human experience, where we connect to embrace our diversity, rather than fighting it.
The Artech Series. The Other Art Fair Brooklyn, Nov 2017.
1. live
The Live feature has created an opportunity to broadcast live in real-time. If you see a Live icon at the corner, you're watching a live stream. We all need to stop focusing so much on capturing the moment and just enjoy it instead. Be present. Live in it.
2. loading
We are all patiently looking at a loading icon while we are waiting for our content to appear on the screen. The loading icon is a rainbow of color that spins as the user waits for content to load. I invite everyone to imagine all the other users seeing the same image, representing an abstract world of colorful diversity. The content loading on the screen is the peace in the world that is needed and the colors of the loading icon represent that. Peace is loading.
3. image
This is an image icon that we tap on when we want to send or attach a photo. Typically the image icon is used in one color (black on white) and consists of an illustration of a sun over a mountain presented in landscape orientation. When rotated counterclockwise, the sun, which spiritually represents “the Supreme Being,” turns into an eye that is watching us, and the sky suddenly opens up as if it is trying to communicate with us.
This is an image icon that we tap on when we want to send or attach a photo. Typically the image icon is used in one color (black on white) and consists of an illustration of a sun over a mountain presented in landscape orientation. When rotated counterclockwise, the sun, which spiritually represents “the Supreme Being,” turns into an eye that is watching us, and the sky suddenly opens up as if it is trying to communicate with us.
5. hashtag
The hashtag is visually represented by the symbol “#.” By placing the hashtag symbol in front of a word (or series of unspaced words) on a social network, a user can turn that word into a metadata tag. The tag on tweets and photos allow us to connect and add to the conversation about main topic.
Live. The Other Art Fair Brooklyn, Nov 2017.